Résumé & Interview 15%
An example will be uploaded for our Youth Leader to use as an example. The résumé is worth 5% of this category. A résumé is a necessity in life and is the key to getting a job. It takes time to mature throughout the years. We want our Youth Leader to start NOW. Therefore, when the time comes when it is really needed, it is a masterpiece! If you already have a résumé, you are ahead. If not, don’t feel discouraged. It’s never too late to start.
Our Youth Leaders will speak one – on – one with each of the interview judges. This is the time to display your personality. Essential interviewing skills include good eye contact, speaking with confidence, & sitting properly during the interview. We cannot forget you must be dressed for success for an interview. The interview is worth 10% of this category.
Community Service Project 10%
A full 10% toward your full score will be automatically awarded once you show record of participating in a community service at local, area, or statewide service organization. This includes feeding the poor at the shelters or train stations, spending time with the elderly in the nursing home, volunteering at the hospitals or to help clean your city. Volunteering your time should be fun. You will not regret it.
Essay 10%
In 150 word essay or less, Youth Leaders will answer the question, “What career do you desire in the S.T.E.M. field & why?” Essay will be scored on length, grammar, proper flow/development of an essay. The essay should be capturing and have a clear introduction with a road map of what follows and has developed supporting paragraphs, with a strong conclusion.
On Stage Personal Introduction 15%
Youth Leaders will introduce themselves stating their name, hometown, state, what career in S.T.E.M. they are interested in &/or something interesting about themselves. Scoring is based on their ability to clearly, confidently, & effectively speak on stage to the audience. Judges are keeping an eye out for a Future Leader who naturally presents her unique personality through her effective & engaging public speaking skills with a natural confident stage presence.
The personal introduction will be timed and should not exceed 60 seconds. We recommend NOT coming close in length to 60 seconds when practicing your personal introduction to give yourself some leeway.
Your personal introduction is a snap-shot of who you are. Everything you include in your personal introduction should be important and of value. Remember to maintain good eye contact with the judges and audience.
S.T.E.M. Project & Presentation 40%
Youth Leaders will create a project to be judged, displayed, & presented. Projects are to be submitted 1 day prior to the pageant with their name hidden on their project. Judges are scoring on creativity, neatness & originality. There are not any wrong S.T.E.M. projects. During the pageant, each Youth Leader will have 2 minutes to present their project on stage. The presentation should include important key concepts such as what the project is, why they chose to create their project & how it works (if applicable). This will account for 40% of the total pageant score.
The projects will also be displayed during the pageant for the audience to vote for best creativity. The Youth Leader with the most popular votes will be crowned “Miss Creativity.” This is separate from the pageant score.
Final on Stage Question 10%
On Stage, Youth Leaders will answer the question, “Name anything S.T.E.M. can be applied to make a difference in the world if crowned Princess/Little Miss/Miss Glitz, Glamour & Brains S.T.E.M. 2021” This question will be answered by each Youth Leader on stage and timed.
The time limit is 60 seconds. We recommend NOT coming close in length to 60 seconds when practicing your final on stage response to give yourself some leeway. Similar to the on stage personal introduction and presentation, use those recommendations & suggestions to have a spectacular finish.
3 Divisions
Ages 8yr - 10yr – Princess Glitz, Glamour & Brains S.T.E.M.
Ages 11yr- 14yr – Little Miss Glitz, Glamour & Brain S.T.E.M.
Ages 15y- 18yr – Miss Glitz, Glamour & Brains S.T.E.M.
*Sponsor fee $200 per Youth Leader – non refundable, but,
can go toward next pageant
Special Crown/Optional Competition – included in Sponsor fee-
Available to ALL girls
Miss Phenomenal – Once all requirements are successfully completed, Youth Leader will automatically be crowned on stage;
Have to read the book, Believe in the Possibilities: The Words of Michelle Obama by Michelle Obama AND write a 1 page typed paper in 100 - 150 words max. on "How a Youth Leader is Inspired"
Have to choose 1 person from the book, Black Girls Rock! by Beverly Bond AND write a 1 page typed paper in 100 - 150 words max. on how Youth Leader is inspired
Write a 1 page typed paper defining what beauty is to the Youth Leader & how they are/plan to live up to it
Must attend classes offered prior to pageant & mandatory duties assigned
Optional Competitions/ Other Crowns- included in Sponsor fee- Available to
ALL girls
Miss Creativity - voted by audience as best creative S.T.E.M. project.
Miss Outstanding - did not place, but did an outstanding job
Miss Intellectual - Must submit the most recent transcript/report cards no later than 1 day prior to the pageant- whoever has the highest GPA or the best grades will be crowned Miss Intellectual and awarded The Amina Baraka Scholarship
Important Notices !!!
*A portion of the proceeds with go towards Breast Cancer Research/Education
*The highest scores of all categories will be acknowledged on stage
*Sponsors can be parents, family, friends, businesses, organizations, etc.
* No refunds. Money can be used for future Pageants
* The Organization may make changes to enhance the pageant ex. Adding categories, meetings, etc.
*Note: Selected winners must sign contract agreement within 7 days after being crowned
*Note: If Youth Leader chooses to only participate in the Special Crowns, Optional Competitions/Other Crowns, she must take part in group activities, opening ceremony, group appearances throughout the show, final/closing stage appearances, & mandatory duties to be crowned.
$1,000 cash prize Miss Glitz, Glamour & Brains S.T.E.M. 2021
$750 cash prize Little Miss Glitz, Glamour & Brains S.T.E.M. 2021
$500 cash prize Princess Glitz, Glamour & Brains USA S.T.E.M. 2021
1 yr. pd. scholarship to WOW-NJ’s S.T.E.A.M. program
Interview podcast
Official Glitz, Glamour & Brains S.T.E.M. Crown
Beautiful crown case Youth Leader may decorate
Official Glitz, Glamour & Brains USA in S.T.E.M. 2021 studded sash/banner
Beautiful presentation rose banquet during crowning
Trophy – all Youth Leaders will get for participating
Features on official WOW-NJ social media throughout the year
Social media training (consultation) for the Queen & her family
Tickets to upcoming WOW-NJ events
Tickets to next Glitz, Glamour & Brains S.T.E.M.
Glitz, Glamour & Brains S.T.E.M. 2021 business cards including the Queen’s name, title, desired contact info to empower her communications in representing Glitz, Glamour & Brains S.T.E.M. throughout her reign. …… & other gifts & prizes